Friday, March 13, 2015

Your Body Is AWESOME...

If you're reading this, by now you've definitely heard the term, "You are what you eat". 
What does that mean really? It means that everything you put into your body, is what sustains, nourishes & supplies your body with all that it needs to live, thrive, grow, to be. Just think for  a many soft drinks, flavored corn chips, fancy "coffee house" coffees, microwaved meals, sweets & pre-packaged foods have you consumed in the last week? Month? Year? How do you feel? Overweight? Sick? Catching every bug that comes your way? Tired? Moody? Quick to judge? Disgusted? Low Energy? The list goes on & on. 

The good news for you is that you can actually fix it. If you REALLY want to.

To maintain a healthy, happy takes work. 
It's a lifestyle change. 
To make it work you really have to give a damn. When I say, "give a damn", I mean it. 
Not try one day, then give up the next. Is it hard? 
Of course it's hard, it's a journey. But it's a fantastic, eye opening journey. A journey that will leave you looking & feeling amazing, proud of yourself and part, you will NEVER look back. 

You will actually walk into a grocery store and be turned off by all the "crap" you see. The "crap" you used to eat. At that point, you smile. A big, toothy grinned smile.

Where do you begin? How do you start? 

First off make a decision and stick to it. 

Thirsty? Pass on the sugary/diet soft drinks and extra sweetened & artificially colored juices. 

Turn the bottle, package, can, bag or box around and actually READ the ingredient list. 

Does it contain high fructose corn syrup? If so, throw it out. 
What else do you see that you can't pronounce, or that you have NO IDEA what it is? 
Don't eat it. Opt for REAL, FRESH FOODS in the produce section, better yet a farmer's market, support your local farmers & talk to them. Shop the Organic section in the store...look for the USDA Certified Organic Label on foods. Become a cook in the kitchen.
BEWARE of the word "Natural" or "Farm Fresh" or my favorite..."Made with Organic Ingredients"...did you know those terms mean absolutely nothing. NOTHING. 
Just fancy food marketing words to get you the consumer to buy it. A trick. 
It's important to understand that foods or products labeled with the USDA Certified Organic label have to abide by strict & certain standards. Others do not. 
They are actually allowed to use "fancy words" on their products to fool you, their standards are different. I am not here to bash anyone. Just don't be fooled. Be AWARE!!

It's important that YOU take control of your health, your body & what you put in it. You only get one body, make the most of it, respect it...the choice is yours.

Remember the sooner you decide to make healthier choices, the faster you will start to feel better. Will you see a difference overnight? Probably not.
In a week? Possibly, yes.
A month? Absolutely!
Keep in mind, it took you how long to get where you are?
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Your body, your skin, your mood will go through a "DETOX" period, or an adjustment phase.
Your mind is very powerful. :-)

Think of your end goal...a more healthy, glowing, more energetic, more positive, more happy YOU!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Springing Forward...

We may have lost an hour of sleep, but just think...the days will be longer & the sun will shine brighter...Spring is ALMOST here. 
Time for a little inspirational cleaning of the mind. Decluttering, simplifying and clearing space helps us to remove any negative blockages from our lives that stops all the positive energy to flow freely around us. Positive energy is what promotes success & happiness. Energy is everywhere.Think positive and pleasant things will happen. Surround yourself with all of the things that bring out the best in you.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Simple Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Ready to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality? 

It's extremely important for your health to breathe in clean fresh air -- free from pollution, toxins, pollen, and dust. Did you know that your own home could have the most amount of air pollution?
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), on average we spend 69% of our time indoors at home. When you add indoor workplace time into the mix, you could spend over 90% of your time indoors... with some estimates even as high as 96%.
So, with all this time spent indoors, common sense dictates that you'll want to safeguard the air you breathe.

Here are some simple tips to start breathing in better air.
  1. Bring in some nature -- First step for you is to bring in some plants. Plants help contribute to your improved air quality by removing certain chemicals in the air.
  1. Don't allow smoking inside -- Seems pretty obvious, but second-hand smoke can create serious health issues for everyone in your home.
  1. Circulate refreshing air -- This is not always easily done in extreme hot or cold climates. But simply opening up windows on opposite walls for cross ventilation for a few minutes a day can provide you with a dramatic reduction in indoor air pollution
  1. Take off your shoes -- Bringing in dirt, dust, and other pollutants from outside could impact the quality of your indoor air. It's best to remove your shoes completely and not wear around indoors.

  1. Regularly clean and replace furnace and air filters -- This is an area that typically gets neglected. However, it's a critical item to address, because it can have a profound impact on your air quality.
  1. Use and clean ventilating fans often -- Plus, make sure these fans vent to the outside and run them appropriately (don't leave on all the time as they will siphon warm air out of your house).
  1. Avoid using toxic cleaning products -- Scrutinize cleaning product labels. If you search long enough, you'll find toxic-free alternatives & DIY ways to common cleansers. Visit my website for a full line of toxic-free home cleaning products...the Vesta All Purpose Cleaner is my favorite. 

  1. Vacuum and dust regularly -- Don't skimp on your vacuum. You might want to try a bag-less filter model that doesn't blow fine dirt and dust back into your air.

  1. Store toxic solutions and chemicals outside -- Check the back of your storage areas and underneath your sink. You may be shocked what you'll find that should not be kept indoors.
  1. Manage your pets -- Things like shedding hair and cat litter can add to your indoor air pollution. Anything you can do outdoors will only help improve your air quality.

  1. Consider using an air purifier -- A quality air purifier can help remove indoor pollutants from the air you breathe. Personally, I love diffusing air cleaning organic essential oils. For a list of my personally recommended organic essential oils click here...  Another favorite of mine is using a beneficial, "true" Himalayan Salt Lamp, I will talk more about these in another post. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Green Smoothies for Me, Please!

So by now, many of you have tried a green smoothie or two, I hope. 
Smoothies for me are a great way to jumpstart & boost the energy in my families day. 

Depending on a variety of choices your smoothie is abundantly filled with nutrients, vitamins, & antioxidants. Talk about health benefits. 

Best way to get started is to have a good blender. I personally use & love my Vitamix 7500. This thing has seen it all & has never faltered. Start with the basics...fresh or frozen fruit & green veggies, like spinach, kale or swiss chard. My favorite is strawberries, bananas, pineapples, kale & filtered water. 

As always, it's important that the ingredients you choose are organic. Please skip the pesticides. Blend until completely smooth & enjoy. There are so many green smoothie possibilities & combinations, that the choices are really endless.

That's what makes it so fun. Come summer my kids actually beg for the next frozen concoction!! Share your favorite smoothie recipe.


Who doesn't love a fantastic "healthy" Organic Berry Crisp? My family is all over this. 

Crunchy nuts and sweet pitted dates make an incredible topping for mixed berries in this raw (no-cook) version of berry crisp. If nuts aren't your thing replace them with flaked coconut, oats, dried figs, apricots or cranberries. Be creative. :-)

                                                                                  recipe changed/adapted & photo courtesy of Whole Foods Mkt. 

Organic Ingredients You Will Need: 

  • 5 - 6 cups mixed fresh berries, such as blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and sliced strawberries or any other fruit you choose or in season 
  • 1 tablespoon organic maple syrup, or raw unfiltered honey, more or less to taste depending on sweetness of the berries 
  • 1 cup raw pecans 
  • 1/2 cup raw walnuts 
  • 1/2 cup pitted dates, chopped
  • 1/4 cup flaked coconut 
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
In a rectangular dish, toss berries with maple syrup or honey. Put pecans, walnuts, dates, coconut and cinnamon into a food processor and pulse until coarsely ground. Scatter ground mixture over berries and serve immediately, or chill until ready to serve. 
Smile & Enjoy.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Live the Sweet Life Tips

Hey Beautiful People <3
Do just this one thing for me & you. Please sign yourself up for my FREE list of tips for a healthier YOU from the inside out at be happy. be healthy. be green. be aware. Live the Sweet Life. #behappy #behealthy #begreen #sweetorganicchic

My blog will be featuring organic recipes, organic products, fitness routines, fun family stuff, advice and maybe even YOU!!! Thanks for being a part of it.

Sweet Life Indeed

Definitely living the sweet life. :-) 
I want to thank rebel for this photo. #livegreentrainnmean #sweetlife #sweetorganicchic
If you haven't already, please check out my link, and sign up for my "Live the Sweet Life" tips to a healthier YOU. 

My Mission & Shocker...What is Your Skin Absorbing?

Okay, so if you know me you know where I stand on chemicals, toxins & the like. As a mom of 4, wife, daughter, aunt & friend...I've made it my mission in the last 12 years to learn, educate myself & help others choose a better path. Why has this been my mission? Twelve years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer (she's a survivor!!), she was given 2 years to live. This is when my mind jumped into overdrive, how do I help my mom? The information & knowledge I gained from this incredible journey was literally shocking. Eye opening, if you will. Needless to say, our lifestyles changed for the better. No, we didn't eat garbage, we weren't frequenting the drive thru, we weren't couch potatoes, we didn't use every body product on the market...even so I cleaned out our pantry, threw away my Pantene & Suave, said goodbye to to my pretty nail polishes, suntan oils, lipsticks, & shaving gel. Guess what, I have never looked back. Not once. The peace of mind it brought to me was refreshing. The stressful what do we buy, what do we eat, what should we wash our hair with, where do we get it??? I went through all of this. This is where my years of learning & knowledge comes in handy for you. Knowledge is a VERY powerful thing. Once you know, how can you not know? Meaning, if you know that deodorant you're using is full of toxic, cancer causing carcinogens, (like mine used to be) why are you still using it? WHY? WHY?? It's time to invest in yourself, & your future self. With so many healthier, truly organic options out's easy to make the switch. But, you have to want to. You have to truly WANT to. I am not here to sell anything, just give you better options. A choice. I have used a lot, tried many brands & even handmade many of the products I use in my home & still do. For years, I was looking for the next exciting product for my family or the best product to recommend to a friend looking for help. The best recipe, and the best place to buy organic food. It is exhausting. Through it all, I have been blessed to find some amazing food and products along the way. I have even joined a company whose standards mimic my own for all the same reasons. If you let me, I will bring my experiences to you. My knowledge. If I can bring awareness to YOU, that makes me a happy chic. I will help you make those tough decisions. I know we are all busy, it's hard to find the time, let alone learn about what to buy, and what to avoid. But, I'm here to help. :-)

For's a useful list of ingredients to avoid...time to turn those bottles over & be your own detective. Read those labels!! #betoxicfree #beaware #sweetorganicchic

The Ultimate Fast Food

Stop! Put down those fatty (who knows what's in them) burgers & those greasy "fat" fries. 
How many of you think of fresh organic fruit, when you think of fast food? Crazy, right? It's true. Organic Fruit is the ultimate fast food. The choices are endless from apples, oranges, bananas, pears, grapes, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, plums, to blueberries and everything in between...your "healthy" body will thank you. :-)

Don't be fooled at the fruit stand... look for a PLU# that starts with a "9", this way you know you're getting a true USDA Certified Organic Fruit. Remember to look for the 9!! 
Is organic fruit more expensive? Yup. 
But, keep in are what you eat & you get what you pay for.