Friday, March 13, 2015

Your Body Is AWESOME...

If you're reading this, by now you've definitely heard the term, "You are what you eat". 
What does that mean really? It means that everything you put into your body, is what sustains, nourishes & supplies your body with all that it needs to live, thrive, grow, to be. Just think for  a many soft drinks, flavored corn chips, fancy "coffee house" coffees, microwaved meals, sweets & pre-packaged foods have you consumed in the last week? Month? Year? How do you feel? Overweight? Sick? Catching every bug that comes your way? Tired? Moody? Quick to judge? Disgusted? Low Energy? The list goes on & on. 

The good news for you is that you can actually fix it. If you REALLY want to.

To maintain a healthy, happy takes work. 
It's a lifestyle change. 
To make it work you really have to give a damn. When I say, "give a damn", I mean it. 
Not try one day, then give up the next. Is it hard? 
Of course it's hard, it's a journey. But it's a fantastic, eye opening journey. A journey that will leave you looking & feeling amazing, proud of yourself and part, you will NEVER look back. 

You will actually walk into a grocery store and be turned off by all the "crap" you see. The "crap" you used to eat. At that point, you smile. A big, toothy grinned smile.

Where do you begin? How do you start? 

First off make a decision and stick to it. 

Thirsty? Pass on the sugary/diet soft drinks and extra sweetened & artificially colored juices. 

Turn the bottle, package, can, bag or box around and actually READ the ingredient list. 

Does it contain high fructose corn syrup? If so, throw it out. 
What else do you see that you can't pronounce, or that you have NO IDEA what it is? 
Don't eat it. Opt for REAL, FRESH FOODS in the produce section, better yet a farmer's market, support your local farmers & talk to them. Shop the Organic section in the store...look for the USDA Certified Organic Label on foods. Become a cook in the kitchen.
BEWARE of the word "Natural" or "Farm Fresh" or my favorite..."Made with Organic Ingredients"...did you know those terms mean absolutely nothing. NOTHING. 
Just fancy food marketing words to get you the consumer to buy it. A trick. 
It's important to understand that foods or products labeled with the USDA Certified Organic label have to abide by strict & certain standards. Others do not. 
They are actually allowed to use "fancy words" on their products to fool you, their standards are different. I am not here to bash anyone. Just don't be fooled. Be AWARE!!

It's important that YOU take control of your health, your body & what you put in it. You only get one body, make the most of it, respect it...the choice is yours.

Remember the sooner you decide to make healthier choices, the faster you will start to feel better. Will you see a difference overnight? Probably not.
In a week? Possibly, yes.
A month? Absolutely!
Keep in mind, it took you how long to get where you are?
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Your body, your skin, your mood will go through a "DETOX" period, or an adjustment phase.
Your mind is very powerful. :-)

Think of your end goal...a more healthy, glowing, more energetic, more positive, more happy YOU!

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